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practicing yoga

Practicing yoga is an incredible way to bust that stress built up by a hectic work life. Itā€™s a low maintenance activity, can be performed almost any way, and helps relax the body and mind in a way that can boost productivity and concentration.

Originating from India and with its name taken from ancient Sanskrit, yoga has been practiced for more than two millennia. With eight limbs of the art, covering everything from breathing and meditation to postures, it is designed to help purify the body and mind, focusing positive energy to boost physical strength and stamina.

Does that sound like something you need? And you wouldnā€™t be alone either, with millions of people around the world (yogis and yoginis, as the male and female yoga practitioners are known respectively) participating in this ancient art. Here are just some of the ways that yoga can be the perfect solution to the stresses and strains of a busy working life that leads to all kinds of mental and physical pressures. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of yoga and how it can help you beat your stress!

1. Versatile & Discreet Poses

Previously we have looked at five great yoga poses that you can do right there in the office. Parvatasana, the pec stretch with a strap, the chair twist, the eagle pose and the half downward dog are all easier yoga positions. These poses are easily attainable for beginners and can be performed safely pretty much anywhere!

Although a 20-minute yoga workout is recommended, you can certainly get by with a little less. Just roll out that mat and try to get a little quiet (not always easy we know) to strike these poses which can help combat the rigours of back, neck and muscle pains from sitting at ergonomically unhelpful office furniture, or helping to relieve the build-up of mental pressure that comes from performing your daily tasks, often in a delicate balance between work and life.

physical health

2. Match Your Mood

Did you know that you can also match your yoga poses to the mood you are in at the time?

First of all, there are plenty of yoga poses which work perfectly when you find yourself in a low mood. The downward-facing dog, childā€™s pose and the mountain pose are all great examples. That circumstance could be that itā€™s Friday, at the end of a gruelling week, and you just canā€™t face rigorous physical exercise. These poses need only be maintained for one to two minutes and repeated three times for the benefits to be felt. Vitally, remember to breathe in conjunction with the pose, concentrating on taking deep, steady breaths.

If you are feeling a little more energized ā€“ say itā€™s a Tuesday morning and you still have most of the week to face ā€“ there are some great yoga poses for this very requirement. The big toe pose, the extended right angle pose and the revolved triangle pose all suit this particular mood to a tee. Bear in mind that you could build up a little bit of a sweat performing these poses, so a quick wash after would be recommended.

Then there are yoga poses to suit any kind of mood, and can be performed at any given time in more or less any given place. Perform some research and take some classes to help you begin your yoga journey.

3. Combat The Common Cold With Yoga

And when it comes to that winter season, and work stresses can be compounded by getting sick. With a busy schedule, itā€™s the last thing you need. But did you know that yoga can help actively fight against developing the symptoms of common viruses? Combined with other holistic approaches to good health, by practicing yoga, one can help stave off those winter bugs, and remain fit and healthy to face the challenges of the day in a refreshed and positive mood.

The best pose to give your immune system a boost and prevent those dreaded sniffles is asana ā€“ the seated meditation pose. Sit comfortably on the floor with crossed legs and let your hips be heavy. Lift your spine and, of course, bring your palms to meet in prayer in front of your chest. This pose encourages blood flow and mindful breathing, strengthening your bodyā€™s ability to fight off those winter bugs.

4. Get In Touch With Your True Self

Although yoga lets you energize your body and feel fitter, the benefits to be gained by practicing yoga arenā€™t all physical. In fact, one of the key benefits of yoga that combats business stress is psychological. Practitioners of yoga report more confidence and a deeper connection to their true selves. The emotional understanding developed through sustained yoga practice will translate to strong leadership, communication and self-assurance. Yogi master, Paramahansa Yogananda, once said:

“We are what we think we are. The habitual inclination of our thoughts determines our talents and abilities, and our personality. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now”

Practitioners of yoga report that through each yoga session they surprise themselves with whatā€™s possible for them. Preconceived limits about what the body and mind are capable of seemingly fall away through regular yoga practice, and they feel themselves grow stronger and better day by day. This process, which emphasizes the spiritual benefits of regular yoga practice, combats the daily stress of a fast-paced business environment. Get in touch with your true self through yoga to feel better than ever in the board room!

5. Find The Right Trainer

With the wealth of information about yoga thatā€™s out there, you might think that a self-led practice is a way to go. Itā€™s certainly true that practicing yoga for a short period of time each day can make a difference. Even a few poses that impact your chest, neck or back, performed from your office chair, can make a difference to your wellbeing. These poses can also ease the stress of a busy day ahead or behind. And with countless YouTube videos to choose from, a longer practice is always at your fingertips.

However, to get the full experience of yoga practice and the biggest stress-busting benefits, we believe itā€™s essential to find a motivating and inspirational trainer to guide your yoga journey. Yoga can be a powerful workout where breath and body combine, and expert advice is invaluable in this process.

Final Pose

Begin your yoga journey today and feel a renewed energy in your body and peace in your mind. Practicing yoga can create a balancing effect on hectic business life and ease the stress of a busy office. Long-lasting physical and spiritual effects can be gained from sustained practice. Namaste!

Katherine Rundell

Katherine Rundell writes at Academized and Paper Fellows. As an e-learning consultant, she has been involved in many projects like Essay HelpĀ and has led discussions on management, marketing, and finances.

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[2] Comments
  • Manoranjan Sahoo
    11:35 AM, 10 September 2020

    ā€œTake up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.ā€ ā€• Swami Vivekananda

  • Senthil Kumar
    2:37 AM, 25 August 2020

    Hi, Thanks for the tips, its really helps me to go further doing yoga. In my opinion yoga means binding your soul with mind and body:)… For that to achieve we need to practice, Governing your wishes, Mastering your thoughts, Handle with anger, Remove Anxiety and Under stand who you are? and for this can be called as a technique of self realization.

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