Are you feeling stuck, uninspired, and unfocused? When your self-motivation is low, there are certain things that you can do to boost your energy and get inspired. For most people, they get stuck in the process of getting started. They wait to feel inspired to get started. And this never happens.
So, how can you live every day with an intention to get closer to your goals and leading a happy and healthy life? What strategies can you use to boost motivation and energy into your life? Today, we are going to show how to light your own fire using six simple steps. Let’s get started!
Increasing Self-Motivation
It does not help to wait to get inspired to kick start this process. There’ll never be a good time to get started. As the popular saying goes, tomorrow never comes. Motivation is not a rare visitor but something that you create. All progress and motivation start when you take action. One positive act will lead to many other positive acts. These acts will lead to achievements and amazing experiences for you.
If you are feeling stuck and overwhelmed, the best way to boost your self-motivation is by taking action. The action doesn’t have to be big. You have to commit to achieving small specific goals every day. Even if it’s something that you’ll only do for ten minutes, that little push is what’s needed to get started.
1. Simplify
Planning your life creatively allows you to simplify. Delegate and eliminate tasks that don’t excite or motivate you to make the most of your time and energy. It’s difficult to stay motivated when your mind cluttered and confused with the number of tasks and projects that you need to work on.
By simply doing less, you can transform complexity into simplicity. Doing less and concentrating on the things you love will boost your motivation and energy. Simplifying allows you to away with the trivial and the unnecessary. When you become more focused, you’ll automatically increase your motivation. What areas of your life can you simplify today?
Another great way to simplify your life is by combining tasks. Think about two or three things that you need to do and how you can combine them into a single activity. According to the book Brain Building in Just 12 Weeks, the author recommends that you make a list of all the tasks that need to get done every day when you get up or over the weekend and then do them one after the other.
Essentially, you are combining small tasks into one task and completing them together. Instead of performing all these tasks on different days, you get focused on completing all of them together. In the end, this frees up your time, increases your self-motivation, and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
2. Focus on Your Achievements
One of the things that cause procrastination and reduces motivation is that we measure our success not by our achievements but how far we are from our goals. If you can change your mindset and become aware of how your brain works, you can set yourself up for success.
We are usually happy when we solve complex problems effectively, visualize, and achieve our goals. If you start focusing on the specifics instead of the generalities, you’ll get an opportunity to feel happier and energized. One of the best ways to do this training your brain to measure specifics and progress.
Instead of focusing on your ideals, think about the number of things that you’ve achieved since you started working something. If your goal is to triple your income in the next eight months and you’ve already doubled in the last four months, you have two choices:
- To focus on the fact that you’ve not yet tripled your income
- To focus on the fact that you’ve already doubled your income
Focusing on the second option allows you to celebrate your success, boost self-motivation, and refocus your mind.
3. Measure Your goals
This complements the previous point. You need to set clear measurable goals. By setting goals, you boost motivation and train your brain to focus on specific and measurable things. We feel happy when we are making progress toward our goals. Measuring our goals helps us focus on the present moment as well as the future.
In the present moment, we make the best use of our time because we realize that we cannot stop or reverse time. People who are not happy with their progress tend to compare themselves with others. And this makes them feel a lot worse.
When setting your goals, figure out the meaning or purpose behind every goal. Write down your goals and think of the best ways to measure each goal.
4. Form New Positive Habits
Sometimes, the smallest changes lead to the biggest transformations. When you start a new habit, whether it’s waking up early, going to the gym, or prioritizing tasks, consistency and repetition are key. When you do something over and over again, your brain creates new pathways that lead to incremental improvements.
If you want to start meditating or a new morning routine, you have to repeat until they become a part of you. How you think and act will determine your results. Decide what you want to improve and work on it every day. Small insignificant improvements lead to big results.
5. Boost Your Energy to Increase Motivation
Energy is a great motivator. If you are excited about something or someone, you’ll be motivated. Think about the time you achieved something that mattered to you. Chances are your energy was high. And so was your motivation. If you’ve increased your revenue, lost weight, or improved the quality of relationships, your energy will be high. And you’ll want to maintain it for a long time.
One of the best ways to stay energized and motivated is by spending more time doing things that motivate and excite you. High levels of energy lead to higher levels of confidence and continual growth. Another way to increase your energy is by getting enough sleep.
Research studies show that the average adult needs six to nine hours of sleep every night. Never sacrifice your sleep for your work. People who don’t sleep tend to be irritable, anxious, and stressed out. They also have a hard time concentrating on their tasks. If you are having sleeping difficulties, consider creating a bedtime routine, or seeking professional assistance.
6. Gratitude is Key
Most of the time, we ignore the precious things that we have and think about the things that we don’t have continually. While this might motivate you to work harder, you won’t feel happy when you get what you want.
Instead of spending a lot of time focusing on the things that you don’t have, express gratitude for the things that you already have and the people around you. Gratitude creates an abundance mindset which is an essential success ingredient.
You cannot go far with a scarcity mindset. Expressing gratitude to the people around you changes how you perceive them and how they feel about you. Gratitude increases energy and boosts your motivation. Expressing gratitude enhances your creativity and deepens your motivation.
Gratitude is not a one-time thing. You need to actively pursue it in every area of your business and life. One of the best ways to increase gratitude is by writing down the things that you are grateful for today. Also, take the time to appreciate your achievements.
Motivation doesn’t have to be a rare visitor in your life. There are certain things that you can do every day to improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals easily. By following the tips outlined in this article, you’ll be a step ahead of most people around you. Plus, you’ll be happy and energized.
Self-care means being kind to yourself like you would to a good friend. It’s doing things that make you feel better, like relaxing or eating well. Taking breaks when you’re tired and talking nicely to yourself are very important, too. It’s about giving yourself love and attention. Remember, you’re important. I also found informative content on it. You also can check on this site.
Hrishikesh Shinde
Indeed, we often face situations where we are tired of everything around us and are not interested in doing anything anymore. In such cases, we lack motivation in our lives. Nowadays, everyone is using social media. So instead of wasting time on social media, we should take advantage of social media by following inspirational and motivational pages. We have handpicked some of the Top Best Motivational Pages On Facebook to follow, which can give us all the inspiration and motivation needed. Visit
It is an interesting article. I have been following personalities to keep me motivated!
Manoranjan Sahoo
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.” ― Brennan Manning