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Remembered After You Die

Talking about death around most people tends to make them uneasy. Many might even straight out tell you to stop while most will just assume you’re a morbid person. The truth is that there is only one thing certain in life and that is death. So why shy away from it? Why not use it as motivation? Why not be inspired by it? This article takes a swing at this new way of thinking. Instead of focusing on the now this article teaches you how to be remembered after you die.

Being remembered in a positive light after death is a great accomplishment. Most people think it’s a waste of time to think so far ahead, but in my opinion, thinking with this perspective can be quite beneficial. By living one’s life with this posthumous goal in mind, one automatically begins to fix lot problems and begins to work on making certain constructive adjustments so that he or she really is remembered positively. Ultimately this positive change in lifestyle not just results in the person being remembered after death but it makes the person’s life more rewarding and successful.

7 Ways To Be Remembered After Death:

1. Give Generously

When you give with selflessness and love you start a cycle of positivity and affection. You build a bond with the person you are giving to, from which you both benefit. You receive the personal reward of peace, happiness, and harmony, while the receiving person receives your love. So give, give and give! The people that you miss the most after they die are the ones that gave you the most. Now note when I say give I don’t necessarily mean money or physical goods. You can give love, respect, kindness, and even friendship! Just be generous in what you give and have a big heart!

This love is what makes a person positively remembered after death.

Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process. -Jim Rohn

2. Have Time for Others

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. -Theophrastus

The people you remember the most are those who you shared positive time with. Time is the most valuable thing a person has and by sharing it with others one nurtures mutual love. This love benefits both people and brings happiness to their lives. So don’t spend all your time in the “grind” or “hustle” and make time for friends, family, and loved ones. Make a conscious effort to spend a significant part of your week with the people you care about. If you want to go one step further allocate some time for people who are in need, so like the homeless or the elderly. Spend your time wisely and make a positive impact on the most amount of lives as you can.

3. Be Helpful

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not.  -Dr. Seuss

By simply being helpful you can make one person’s life a little better. This sense of care allows love to flourish and grow. This love is what brings peace in life. But by help, I don’t mean help when someone asks for it, help everyone who needs it. Lend a hand whenever you can and try to make the lives of others easier. This can apply to your spouse, to your children, to your parents and even your friends. There is always something you can do for someone to make their day just that much better. So be active, conscious and put your energies to good use. e

4.Respect Everyone

By showing respect you earn a quality reputation which makes people very affectionate towards you. This affection is something which is not easily forgotten and therefore makes you a more memorable person. So don’t gossip, backbite, or put other people down. Make it your life’s goal to treat everyone with respect, honor, and dignity. Always put yourself in the place of others and treat them how you would like to be treated.

When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. -Lao Tzu

5. Develop an Open, Loving Attitude

If you want to be loved, you have to show love. Be kind, gentle, and loving to everyone you meet. Don’t put anybody down and treat everybody fairly. The one thing people that remember the most is love. Try to always keep a smile on your face. We all have a handful of those special people in our lives who light up the room with their positive energy, happiness, and sense of humor. Be on these people. Be open, loving and caring and never let someone get your mood down!

6. Be Genuine

When you are genuine and sincere you automatically become a more likable person, who people love and remember. Truth and honesty are two qualities which define a persons legacy. So, become a person everyone can trust. Be reliable and fair in your dealings be they be at home, school or work and make sure to always, ALWAYS tell the truth not matter how hard. It might seem tough in the short term but in the long term, you will always be positively remembered after you die as an angelic honest soul.

My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring. -Prince William

7. Show Compassion

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. -Dalai Lama

Compassion leaves a profound imprint on both the giver and receiver. It leads to mutual happiness, peace, and a sense of connection between two people. It is the number one way to be liked, loved and remembered. According to Frederick Buechner “Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too”. So don’t judge quickly and feel the pain, hardships, and struggles of the people around you. It is only when you imagine being in their place when you can truly connect with them and help them. It is only through this pure compassionate love that you can become etched in another person’s mind for eternity.

Kevin R

Kevin is a freelance author, sports enthusiast and is very passionate about blogging and technology. Being involved in the digital industry for many years, Kevin loves to write about topics that he is passionate about. Kevin was one of the first freelance authors at and continues to contribute today.

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[3] Comments
  • Jk Malhotra
    8:59 PM, 6 June 2021

    Lovely description. Thanks for sharing your views.

  • Millicent E. Puleo
    1:30 PM, 14 October 2019

    I realize this was written some time ago. But I’ve always been a bit slower at getting a joke or reading so it comes as no surprise that your article was meant to cross my path now when it was meant to be. I completely agree with you. Thank you for writing these valuable key points. After the death of a beloved brother a yr ago from a brain tumor level 4 and finalizing my mom (87 yrs young) & dad’s (92 yrs vintage) funerals. I would like to believe that the young students I mentor and those who cross my path will be left with a ray of sunshine when I’m gone. For it is not about ME, but about WE the greater picture so many fail to see.


    Millicent Emily (ME)

    • Zargham N.
      12:35 PM, 5 November 2019

      Thank you for sharing your story Emily 🙂 I completely agree, it is important that we focus on the grand picture rather than the immediate impact it may have on us.

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