The majority of people, who smell “bad”, may not know until someone tells them. But just because someone has not told you that you smell bad, it doesn’t necessarily mean you smell good.
The fact is, no one intentionally wants to smell bad. The way you take care of yourself ultimately reflects on you as a person. To others, when you smell good, you radiate positive characteristics such as reliability, responsibility and most importantly, self-respect. Whereas, if you smell bad, you emit poor characteristics and present a lack of self-care and self-respect. Therefore it is important to always keep a close watch on your hygiene and cleanliness and be critical about yourself!
In this article, we will discuss how to smell good and 5 implementation methods.
How to smell good (5 implementation methods):
1. Take A Daily Shower
Nothing beats a nice warm shower or hot bath, especially when it comes to smelling good. Showering regularly helps keep you refreshed and squeaky clean. When showering, always try and use scented soap and shampoo, and try to include body wash. The body wash should help exfoliate your skin and help keep you smelling fresh and clean throughout the day.
But try not to overuse the shampoo. By utilizing shampoo on a daily basis you can risk damaging your hair. Keeping this in mind, you can use and should use soap and body wash as much you wish!
2. Use Deodorant
Make it a daily routine to use deodorant; this is a fundamental part of smelling good. This way even if you are moving around and are busy all day, you will smell good for at least the next 12 hours. Most importantly, the aluminum compound found in deodorants also helps prevent sweating. Therefore, when you apply deodorant daily, you avoid sweaty smells.
Whether you buy deodorant as a stick or spray, you will benefit. But personally, I find the sticks to be much more effective.
3. Use Perfume/Cologne
Now, this is the one area where most people mess up.
Be modest whenever you are using perfume or cologne and never overdo it! You may have heard the saying “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing” and in this case, that is very true! It is never pleasant to smell like a perfume shop.
Perfume/cologne should simply be an accent for you. It should never be used to cover-up unpleasant smells. For example, if you missed showering DO NOT just pour perfume all over yourself. Perfume/cologne can not cover up bad smells, personally I feel it enhances the poor odour further, making you smell even worse than before.
As for how to apply perfume/cologne, the best way is to apply one spray on your chest, one spray on the stomach area, and one spray at the back of your neck near your collar. The spray at the back of your collar will provide a subtle trailing smell as you walk by. Overall, these three spritzes ensure that you do not go overboard.
As Karrueche Tran once said:
I always have to have a fragrance on.
I have to wear a fragrance before I go anywhere.
For me, scent is everything. It’s a first impression.
I love it when people tell me I’m smelling good and ask what I’m wearing. For me, it gives me that extra confidence and makes me feel grown.
4. Wear Clean Clothes
This is just as important as the other three tips. Always wear clean clothes! Clean clothes can help you feel clean and look clean. Plus, if you go through all the trouble of getting clean and following the last three steps, the least you can do is wear a clean pair of clothes!
5. Create A Clean Environment
If you take regular showers, use deodorant, apply perfume, and wear clean clothes. You should keep yourself in a clean environment as well. By staying neat and tidy, you will help keep yourself organized which will allow you to maintain your overall cleanliness too.
Final Words
Now I understand that smelling good may not be everyone’s forte, but it is not necessarily difficult to adopt clean habits. Once you do adopt these 5 tips, you will feel better about yourself and boost your self-confidence as well.
In the end, I would like to finish off with this quote:
When someone smells good, we automatically perceive them as more attractive.
Good luck with smelling great!
Thank you for all what you’re teaching me.