Failure and life go hand in hand. It’s impossible to live your life and not face failure. Many times, we get so caught up in our failure that we lose all our power and are unable to overcome it.
What most do not understand is failure is life’s best lesson. If we channel our failure appropriately, we can help ourselves be very successful and happy. Which will be beneficial for our mental and physical health. That’s why it is very important that you learn how to overcome your failure.
In this article, we will discuss 6 ways to overcome failure in life.
6 powerful ways to overcome failure in life:
1. Understand Failure Is The Key Path To Success
Keep a positive perspective and understand that you only failed because you tried. Failure in life is what teaches you lessons and pushes you a step towards your end goal. If you had not tried, then you wouldn’t have failed but then you wouldn’t have succeeded either.
If you were on a drive and came across a fork in the road, you would not turn around. You would move the fork out of the way, and continue towards your destination. Similarly, failure is like a fork on the road, you have to cross it in order to reach success.
As Denis Waitley once said,
Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.
Failure is delay not defeat.
It is a temporary detour,
not a dead end.
2. Remain Calm and Reflect
Think about it, no matter what you do in your present, nothing will change the past. Do not channel your frustration and anger in a negative way. Keep your composure and channel your emotions and feelings in a positive manner. This will help you to motivate yourself to try again.
If you allow your failure to cloud your judgment, you will become demotivated and your lack of reflection will not help you overcome your emotions. By remaining calm and reflecting, you will be able to go through your errors and understand where you need to improve in order to succeed.
3. Learn From Your Failures
Every so often people do not pay attention to their failures. By doing this, you will not be able to cope with and overcome your failures. Through constantly trying over and over again, you will learn the most. If you can learn from your mistakes, you can overcome failure in life and eventually reach success.
As Thomas Edison once said,
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
4. Don’t Rationalize Your Failure
Many times when you fail you may rationalize it and give yourself a reason to give up.
For example, a fox in the woods sees some grapes and jumps to get them, after a couple of failed attempts the fox gives up. To rationalize his failure, he states “the grapes were probably sour anyway”.
Essentially, stop being so nice to yourself. To overcome failure in life, you need to be firm and stop making excuses for yourself.
5. Self Confidence
Never ever let failure in life effect your confidence level. If you fail, it doesn’t mean you can never do it. Keep going at it and believe in yourself. Once you develop a strong belief in your abilities, you will be able to overcome any failure.
The strongest factor for success is self-esteem:
Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, and believing you’ll get it.
6. Stay In The Present
By wandering in the past or focusing too much on the future, you will miss out on your present. Therefore, don’t wander in the past or focus on your future. Rather concentrate on what you are doing “now.” By staying in the present you allow yourself to grow from your failure and overcome it rather than drowning in your own pain.
Final Words
In the end, understanding the root of our failure and how we can overcome it is key. This is essential for us, especially in order to live a positive and successful life. Therefore, by adopting the 6 key factors mentioned in this article, we will be able to overcome failure in life and mould ourselves into stronger individuals.
I would like to finish off with a famous quote by Michael Jordan,
I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed.
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