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the coronavirus outbreak

Taking care of our immunity and trying to improve it is something we should always do because it protects us from viruses and diseases. A lot of times, people tend to neglect recommendations that are beneficial for their immune system. But now, everyone is fearful of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and boosting immunity has suddenly become a priority for many.

The coronavirus outbreak caused thousands of deaths and infected more than 400,000 individuals across the globe. The most vulnerable to this virus are older adults who already have other diseases and weakened immunity. Whereas, the majority of younger adults recover from it quickly, mainly due to their stronger immune system. And that is how boosting the immune system suddenly became the number one priority for all of us. Here, I will discuss ways you can strengthen your immunity amid the Coronavirus outbreak!

Coronavirus vs. Immune System

The new Coronavirus has symptoms similar to seasonal flu, and it can take up to 14 days for them to fully develop. During those 14 days, you are infected, and you are spreading the virus without even knowing you have it. People with a compromised immune system are most vulnerable. Therefore, many doctors are recommending that seniors should not go out at all. Younger people can easily survive the virus due to their strong immune system. Since there are still no vaccines for COVID-19, our strongest weapon is our immunity, so how can we boost it?

1. Get Enough Sleep

Although this sounds more like something your mom would say, sleep is truly essential when it comes to this. One sleepless night can do significant damage, not to mention cause irregular sleep routine. While we are sleeping, multiple vital processes are going on in our body, helping it to recover and revitalize. So sleep does not only affect your under-eye area; sleep affects immune function. Now when you are staying home, try to get some proper rest.

2. Reduce Stress

So how can you reduce stress when there is a global pandemic, and thousands of people are dying every day from a virus we cannot cure? Well, it is not easy, but it is possible. Stress causes sleep disorders such as insomnia, weakens our immunity, triggers anxiety, etc. You have to find something else to do instead of overthinking. If you are isolating at home, try decluttering, reading, or just binge-watching all those TV shows. And do not forget to wash your hands and disinfect your household.

3. Eat Healthily

Now is the ideal time to try out all those recipes and wake up your inner Jamie Oliver or Martha Stewart. Forget about delivery and junk food. Take your time to cook and eat a proper meal that includes vegetables and proteins. Citrus fruits are especially good for immunity, and you can make a smoothie or a fruit salad as a dessert.

4. Start Exercising

This is the main topic these days, besides cooking. There are so many online tutorials, live group workouts online, and great tips for exercising at home that none excuse works anymore. You have the time (perhaps not the will), but miracles do not happen overnight. It will be difficult in the beginning, so start with light exercises, and eventually, you will notice improvement.

5. Quit Smoking

If you have not heard the news, smokers can expect to experience more severe symptoms, and they do not recover so fast from COVID-19. This virus attacks our respiratory system, and therefore those who smoke are at higher risk. Smoking is bad for your health and immunity anyway, so now is the right time to quit.

Other Ways to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

As we mentioned, there are no vaccines for this virus, so the best we can do is to take certain steps in order to avoid catching the virus.

  • Self-isolation is the best prevention. It sounds unbelievable, but staying at home is the best we can all do right now.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
  • Disinfect everything in your household, especially frequently used surfaces that are made of plastic or stainless steel because the virus can survive for up to 3 days on them.
  • Use only hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% of alcohol.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, used tissue should be disposed of immediately.
  • Avoid close contact with other people and stay home if you have any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
  • Wearing a face mask and gloves is recommended when you are outside.

Below is a very informative short video on ways you can further protect yourself from the virus:

Supplements to Boost Your Immunity

Supplements are not able to prevent diseases or cure them, they are consumed to make up for the vitamins you are lacking. Supplements work the best in combination with all the above-mentioned tips. Also, keep in mind that there are no particular supplements that work against COVID-19. Supplements are just something extra that will help you feel better and help your immune system.

  • Vitamin D – so many people are deficient with Vitamin D, which makes them more prone to flu and allergic asthma. Usually, anything between 1,000 and 4,000 IU vitamin D supplements per day is enough to improve our immune response.
  • Vitamin C – a highly beneficial supplement that helps us fight infections, inflammations, and, most importantly, enhances the function of immune cells.
  • Zinc – this is one of the essential ingredients that can be found in many healthcare products because zinc has a vital role in the development of immune cells. For adults, the daily dose should not go over 40 mg of elemental zinc.
  • Black elderberry – liquid or capsule, elderberry supplements can be beneficial for our immunity and for treating the symptoms of a cold.

Can We Boost Our Immune System Overnight?

This is the main problem right now; everyone thinks that if we suddenly change our habits and start eating veggies and sleeping more, our immune system will be unbreakable. But that is not how it works. The current situation with the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak should teach us all that from now on, we should work on our immunity all the time, continuously, so that in case any virus decides to attack, we will be more than prepared to fight back.

Selena Thomas

Selena Thomas is a content writer who loves sharing tips on healthy lifestyles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she's fond of writing articles that can help people in improving both physical and mental health. As the pandemic arises around the globe, she focuses now on writing about the COVID-19 outbreak to give awareness and ideas to people on how to fight against this novel virus.

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[4] Comments
  • Akhil Arya
    5:35 AM, 24 June 2020

    I really appreciate this post. I’ve been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on this blog . You have made my day! I think this is engaging and eye-opening material. Thank you so much for caring about your content and your readers.

  • Christopher
    12:23 AM, 10 April 2020

    Nice article! More people should be focused on natural prevention methods like these.

    I’m doing pretty well I think with keeping my immune system running on all cylinders, well… maybe except the sleep part, it is hard to sleep with so much stuff going on right now.

    Take care everyone!

  • James
    8:52 PM, 27 March 2020

    Thank you very much for these tips Selena! Very important and much needed in this difficult time

    • Selena Thomas
      11:54 PM, 27 March 2020

      Hello James, I’m glad that you found this article very important. This may help you to fight against the deadly virus that arises around the world. Keep safe!!!!!

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