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Everyone wants to stay young and healthy forever but ageing is a natural and inevitable process that can never be reversed. However, with a disciplined lifestyle, a nutritious diet and regular exercise the process of ageing can be slowed down or in other words, the youth can stay longer.

Everyone has a unique body composition and the body needs care according to its composition, age weight, and gender. The best way to take care of your body is to find out the needs and demands of your body via a thorough medical check-up. After that, you can set up a diet chart and a workout plan.

Still, there are some basics of a healthy diet plan and some fundamental exercises which work for all and sundry. You can also install some lightweight gym equipment like a recumbent bike to motivate yourself.

Here’s a handy list of some suggestions to stay fit and youthful:-

These foods can give your body the desired nutrients to stay young and fit:

1. Whole Grains

Whole grains have been a part of our menus since the advent of cooking and there’s a reason behind it. Whole grains are full of nutrients and as they didn’t go through the grinder they retain their precious skin.

The skin of whole grains is laden with nutrients and very importantly with lots of fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants. Fibres keep the cholesterol under check and protect the heart. Vitamins help in a lot of bodily functions and especially with the secretion of enzymes. Whereas antioxidants keep the ageing at bay.

Some common whole grains are whole wheat, popcorn, barley, and buckwheat.

2. Dry Fruits

Nuts like pistachios, almonds, cashews, and peanuts can do wonders for your health. Try to skip the French fries for a bowl of crunchy nuts as a snack time meals.

Nuts are powerhouses of vitamins and both micro and macro-nutrients. They can restore the lustre in your hair and will keep your skin glowing for as long as possible. Apart from that, it also helps with bodily weight issues. They may help you gain or lose weight.

Consuming them after soaking in water or raw is the best way to have them. However, avoid having fried or salted nuts.

3. Vegetables

Remember those nursery rhymes singing praises of fruits and vegetables? Vegetables are actually a boon for mankind if consumed prudently. The thumb rule to eat vegetables is to eat them as fresh as you can. Thus, opting for seasonal groceries can help you a lot in availing of your daily nutrition.

Another important thing is not to “overcook” your vegetables. Chop them after you have washed them and try to keep the size at 1 inch. If possible eat the vegetables as a salad as well.

Try to make a list of the seasonal or local vegetables available and pick one for each day for at least one meal. This will not only add variety to your menu but help you consume more vegetables too.

4. Green Tea

Green tea has become a popular super-food among fitness enthusiasts as it is quite beneficial for weight loss. Green tea comes with loads and loads of antioxidants and is actually a very healthy option for regular tea.

The green tea has a proven record of being an effective drink to fight against cancer. The brain cells are also benefited by green tea and it lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Green tea also keeps the blood vessels healthy and controls blood pressure.

5. Black coffee

This may surprise you but one of the most popular beverages in the world is actually healthy too. Black coffee means a cup of coffee sans sugar and milk. Black coffee helps in controlling diabetes. It boosts metabolism and helps the body during a rigorous workout.

So a perfect diet plan must include whole-grain bread or chapati, seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, and green tea or black coffee, all alongside 3 litres of water per day.

A diet gives desired results only if the nutrients are completely assimilated into the body and this happens when the food is totally digested. Physical activity is essential for proper digestion and assimilation of the nutrients.

Here are some exercises that can help you stay active and youthful:

1. Jogging

Jogging or running around for at least 35 minutes can help you stay younger. A jog or a brisk walk is very helpful for those who are unable to do other strenuous workouts. Walking is easy and can be started at any age but taking a jog in the early morning prepares your body and brain for the rest of the day. Walking is very beneficial for those women who are in their early 40’s as it helps them to fight age-related mental maladies.

2. Cardio exercise

Any kind of cardio exercises like swimming or cycling can boost your overall stamina and will keep your heart healthy. A healthy heart is very important for a healthy body. The heart is the most important muscle of the body. The blood pumped by the heart keeps the entire body healthy by distributing the nutrients and taking away the excretory products. Thus, a healthy heart ensures that all normal body functions are carried away smoothly.

Cardio exercise is great for your body but keeps it just twice or thrice a week. Too much cardio workout simply strains the muscles and may reduce your stamina.

3. Hobby sports

Any hobby sport like badminton, golf, or even a simple disc throw can keep you stay active and happy. The benefits are doubled if you find teammates you can play along. Sports help us stay fit, boost our moods and make us more social.

Happiness and youth are interconnected, when you’re happy with yourself it reduces your chances to suffer from age-related brain disorders.

The best way to keep yourself motivated throughout the week is to give a day to everything. You can start the week with a brisk walk and then devote a day or two for cardio and reserve the weekends for hobby sports.

But remember keeping a day for rest is equally important too.


Wiideman is a specialist author for health and fitness blog He is very conscious about health and fitness. His writings on guidance to health and fitness equipment have been published in several journals. His passion for athletics lets him inspire people to lead a healthy life. Besides working as a writer for fitness lovers, he loves to spend time with his friends. He plans to write and consult for the curious readers to provide guidance about different fitness machines to help them achieve their fitness goals.

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1 Comment
  • Holly Keyes
    5:46 AM, 24 December 2019

    Nice article! At the same time, I feel to gain weight you have to eat more that doesn’t mean to lose weight you need to eat less. There are certain things beyond permanently changing the eating habits that requires some changes in the lifestyle. It’s more based on personal care and attention to health.

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