In our society, there is a key difference between being winners and losers. Being a WINNER is what symbolizes success, whereas being a loser represents failure. Victory is the ultimate factor and we live and die by it. We don’t tolerate failure and it isn’t an option. If somebody fails in our society he or she is automatically deemed as “unsuccessful”.
But don’t panic as I only mentioned the extremes. Most people fall somewhere in the grey area (closer to the winning side) between winning and losing. The general public is generally successful at one thing but then unsuccessful at something else. They are successful enough to be recognized but also don’t fail enough to be forgotten.
To give you a better idea of this scale, an example of a person who is failing at life could be a homeless person, who while having the resources, unfortunately, fell in “the rankings of life” due to certain circumstances, and stayed homeless. An example of a winner could be somebody like Steve Jobs who reached the apex of his career and changed the world.
So if you’re fed up with losing or just simply want to win more, you have to put in the work. With a lot of dedication and a little bit of knowledge, a person can easily change their life and become a winner. This knowledge is what I hope to share with you today.
After a lot of research, I was able to condense multiple and huge resources down to this list of 27 key differences between winners and losers. The purpose of this article is for you to take this list one point at a time and try to implement 27 short term goals, rather than a large unmanageable long term goal.
I hope this will help you determine where you stand and where you still need to improve. Here are 27 things that winners do and losers don’t.
27 Powerful Differences Between Winners and Losers:
1. Winners Are Driven
Winners are very ambitious and driven about what they want to achieve. They don’t take no for answer and self-motivate themselves to keep going.
I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. – Michael Jordan
2. Winners Take Responsibility
Winners hold themselves accountable for what happens in their lives and don’t blame external factors. They feel they are in control of their destiny and don’t let others decide that for them.
3. Winners Are Eager To Learn
Winners are always learning and are always looking for new ways to challenge themselves. They never feel like they know enough and they truly understand that Knowledge really is Power.
4. Winners Are Positive Thinkers
Winners always take an optimistic perspective towards life and are always trying to leverage the field in their favour.
Watch your thoughts, they become words,
watch your words, they become actions,
watch your actions, they become habits,
watch your habits, they become character,
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
5. Winners Are Humble
Winners never let their ego get in the way of their success. They know what’s more important. And don’t keep a short term mentality. While they are modest on the inside they know their worth and are confident in their abilities.
6. Winners Are Certain
Winners don’t doubt their actions or decisions. They focus on what they are going to do next and “Pull The Trigger”. They don’t overthink negative thoughts and stand by their actions.
7. Winners Set Goals
Winners are very goal-oriented. They decide on what they want and when they want it. And then do whatever they morally can to reach it.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. – Jim Rohn
8. Winners Focus On Solutions
Rather than focusing on the problem, winners focus on how to solve the problem. They don’t let the past hang over them and work on solutions.
9. Winners Work Hard
Winners put in their best effort and never run away from work. They have a relentless engine and they keep pushing forward no matter what the face. They are driven and yearn for success.
10. Winners Take Action
Winners never refrain from action and are always the first to start. They don’t need a reminder to begin working and become legendary.
11. Winners Listen
Winners pay attention to others and think before they speak. They know that don’t have all the answers and know that they need the help of others to reach their goals.
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ― Stephen R. Covey
12. Winners Are Passionate
Winners love what they do and are passionate about life. They use this inner obsession to fuel them and push them forward; especially when the going gets tough.
13. Winners Are Willing To Stand Alone
Winners are very independent and they understand that the path to victory is sometimes a lonely one. While they are great at communication and networking they are the best lone wolfs.
14. Winners are Self-Motivators
Winners are able to motivate themselves when it gets tough, and are able to keep going. They have a permanent fire inside of them that always burns for success.
15. Winners Constantly Expand Their Comfort Zone
Winners constantly explore challenges and opportunities to expand their comfort zone. They know that being satisfied means you’re not improving and always try to stay on edge.
16. Winners Have Strong Will Power
Winners are able to withstand all kinds of hurdles and hardships. They have good self-discipline and are able to control their mind and body. Their body is their temple.
17. Winners Have High Self-Esteem
Winners know what they are worth and they feel good about themselves. They are self-assured and don’t need external approval to keep them steady.
18. Winners Are Persistent
Winners do whatever it morally takes to achieve their goals. They don’t easily give up and don’t let small obstacles get in their way. They push and push and keep pushing until they reach their goal.
19. Winners Aren’t Afraid Of Failure
Winners know that to achieve success in this world, they will have to at one time or another face failure. So rather than being afraid of failure, they embrace it and learn from it. Winners use failure to motivate themselves even further.
Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. – Denis Waitley
20. Winners Don’t Procrastinate
Winners don’t put things off and try to get things done as soon as possible. They understand the value of time and try to make every second time.
21. Winners Are Focused
Winners are always dedicated and focused on whatever they are doing. They know that multitasking is a myth and they try to be as productive as possible.
22. Winners Try To Find A Better Way
Winners experiment and don’t put all of their eggs in one basket. They know they are always better ways of doing things. And they try to find what they are.
23. Winners Are Alert
Winners are both physical and mentally alert. They are always on the lookout for changes in their surroundings. They don’t sit idly like vegetables and are always ready to act.
24. Winners Are Confident
Winners believe in themselves, their abilities and their talents. They are conformable in their own skin and embrace their strengths and weaknesses.
25. Winners Manage Their Time
Winners are very productive and know how to spend their time wisely. They know that life is limited and that every moment matters. They are not wasteful.
26. Winners Are Always Improving
Winners make personal development a priority. And always try to improve for the better.
27. Winners Learn From Their Mistakes
Winners make a conscious effort to right their wrongs and learn from their experiences. They know that nobody’s perfect but that it doesn’t hurt to try.
Best of Luck!
Greg Austin, Vancouver, BC
Zen Positive Mindset
95% of the world’s population is programmed for lack, limitation, and a poverty mindset.
We are repeating the programming we got from others up to age seven accepting everything into our subconscious mind to function as good slaves for the real rich. the ones with 5,000 times more money than Elon Musk, Jeff Bozos, Bill Gates (sick). only 5% of the world is winning, 95% of us are losing.
65 people in the world own more than half of the world, if they paid 50% tax once it would wipe out world debt, and the 65 people would still be the wealthiest people on the planet by Peter Jacob
Winning is a Zen Positive Mindset, repeating Positive Affirmations We Believe in.
Even if we are Zen Aware, it takes repetition to write new programs into our subconscious mind.
You have to do Positive Affirmations for yourself. NO app (application) can do it for you, only you can do it.
You can give yourself reminders (on your phone), but, writing it on a piece of paper, yes, manually is muscle memory better and carry it with you and repeat the Positive Affirmations You believe in as often as you can, it WILL work over time and when it starts to work you have to keep repeating the Positive Affirmations. You win when it becomes a lifetime habit. First 21 days, 28 days, 1 month, 3 months, keep going. Bob Proctor read Think and Grow Rich every day from October 21, 1961 to his last breath February 3, 2022.
Donald Trump is not the smartest person, but his programming up to age 7 was for wealth, abundance and success and that is why he wins.
My Zen Positive Affirmation:
“I’m born to succeed. I’m born to win. The infinite within me” Joseph Murphy.
“is succeeding and winning at everything.” Greg Austin, Zen teacher Guide
“With Divine health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression.” Florence Scovel Shinn
Joseph Murphy’s Affirmation “can’t fail.” ending sounds negative to me so I fixed it for myself.
Everything you will ever need you were born with, it is all within you.
Visualize, picture yourself doing what you want to do. Practice it in your mind works best. Basketball players were put in two groups, practice or visualize. The visualize group did better since you control your thoughts, you control the outcome.
But how you think is important. Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality shooting hoops or visualizing shooting hoops. That is why the Good or bad programming is so powerful.
Your Results are telling you exactly what kind of programming is in your subconscious mind.
Want to Change? Change your thoughts.
As a brotherhood in India say “I salute the divinity within you.” Florence Scovel Shinn
As I tell my Zen students: You are doing better than you think, feel you are doing. So to everyone.
Greg Austin, Zen teacher Guide copyrightGregAustin2023
Forgot…winners never give up
Very true and great compilation.. 👍
I liked the examples you gave for Michael Jordan and if you can give one for every pointer, it’s going to add lots more value for kids.
Sharon sachikunda
Spot on very true
Mahammad Juned
Thanks for this.
Now I’m on the path of success as I believe in myself now.
No more procastination work mode on
Hai Allisson. I read your articles.
I have set few goals. My next goal is on September 2020.
Osman Hameed
I’m glad you enjoyed the article Vimal! Don’t forget to like and share! 🙂
kamruzzaman milton
thank you very much for the post. it will be very helpful for me. i am writing it down fully so that i can revise everyday.
Alison R
I’m so glad this article helped you Kamruzzaman ! All journey’s start with a single footstep, and if you are reading this article it shows you are on the right track! Keep it up — I believe in you and I know you will be successful and you will become a WINNER! 🙂