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Why are Dreams or Goals so Important?

Dreams and goals are the backbone of society and innovation. They are the birthplace of human ambition. And a person without a dream or goal is only a shell of his or her full potential.

  • Dreams or major goals are so important for a number of reasons including:
  • Dreams motivate you to do your best and reach your full potential.
  • Dreams provide you with positive energy and help to keep you going through hard times
  • Dreams keep you focused on what’s really important.
  • Dreams help you define yourself as the type of person you’d want to be.
  • Dreams keep you excited about life and the possibilities of the future.

6 Powerful Ways to Make Your Dreams Come True

So, how can we see that we actually accomplish our goals and realize our greatest dreams?  Here are 6 tips that you can put to work for yourself immediately to make your dreams a reality.

1. Visualize Yourself Reaching Your Dream

Visualization is a great first step to making your dream a reality.  By visualizing yourself in the final stages and achievement of the dream, you affirm to your subconscious that it can be done and that you are already on your way. This limitless supply of positive energy is crucial to reaching your goal especially when the going gets tough.

2. Get Organized

The next step in my experience to reaching your greatest dream is to come up with a strategic plan.

Rather than just dreaming about it and hoping one day it comes to pass, create a plan that you could use to actually see it become reality.  Although this can be a daunting task, just remember that each step gets you that much closer.  Make a list of the first few steps and just do one thing at a time.

For example, if your dream or goal is to lose 50 lbs don’t just start working out randomly. Plan it out and be very particular about how you use your time. Take it one day at a time focusing on making that specific day as efficient as possible towards losing weight.

This planning and way of thinking will not just bring you closer to your goal, but it will also make you feel good and positive about your progress.

3. Build a Support Network

A strong support system is crucial to being successful no matter what your goal is. Just like how a bridge can’t stand by itself, it’s harder to make a dream a reality on your own.

You could look at all of the great accomplishments people have made from Steve Jobs founding Apple Inc. to Michael Phelps becoming the most decorated Olympian of all time – they have all had people who have supported them and helped them along the way. While this doesn’t mean that you ask someone else to do all of the work for you. Sharing your dream and vision with others who believe in you will greatly help you in your journey towards your goal.

4. Ignore the “Haters”

There will always be people who refuse to believe in the feasibility of your dream. They will put you down and they may even tell you that your dream is impossible. You must ignore these “haters” and march forward. Don’t let their negativity even touch you and keep focused and locked in towards your goal.

Always keep in mind that many people before have tried to stop dreamers from dreaming throughout history. But dreamers have always been triumphant.  Look at the example of the Wright Brothers. They dreamt that one day they would fly. People laughed at them and mocked them. But they shut everybody up when they made the first airplane. And today flying is an accepted concept and a basic form of transportation.

5. Pull The Trigger

At some point, you’re going to have to make decisions to make your dreams come true. These could be small decisions like going for a morning jog or bigger decisions like taking a large loan from the bank. Just remember that whatever the decision you make, don’t be afraid of making it. Always do you due diligence but in the end, make sure you “Pull the Trigger” for whichever option you choose. There will be more opportunities in the future but you must make most of what you have now.

6. Develop Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is crucial to making your dream or goal a reality. Unless you believe in yourself and your abilities completely, you will never be able to reach your max potential. In the simple but powerful words of Peter Pan: “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”

7. Transform Your Dream into Energy

You must transform your dreams and goals into a burning desire inside of you. You must feel that you want to reach your dream more than you even want to even breathe. Once you’re in this state of mind you will find that there is not much that can stop you. This desire will fuel your every action and give you an endless supply of energy to reach your goal.

This desire can always be found in the most successful people.

“Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly”.  ― Langston Hughes

Best of luck in making your dreams come true!

Alison R

Alison is a freelance author, yoga enthusiast and a strong believer of self-development. Being in the writing industry for over 10 years, Alison has a plethora of knowledge which she loves to share and discuss with her readers. She loves to write about self improvement and personal finance.

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[3] Comments
  • dashan singh
    1:46 AM, 13 December 2020

    this is very good information to make new dreams.

  • Dai software
    10:34 PM, 18 July 2020

    Thanks you and I admire you to have the courage the talk about this,This was a very meaningful post for me. Thank you.

  • Khashaa
    10:37 AM, 1 June 2020

    This is really inspiring article to me! thanks for that. Do you ever know about quantum physics?

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