Productive people are happier and more successful than their peers because they produce positive results, which inculcates a sense of achievement in them.
So, what role does productivity plays in one’s life?
Productivity helps you evolve into a better version of yourself. You are continuously learning and pushing your boundaries. Generally, productive people tend to have a purpose in life. They lay in bed with a dream and wake up with a vision, which they strive to turn into reality.
A productive person is so focused on achieving their goals that there is no time for negative thoughts to creep in. So, it’s safe to say that productivity keeps one active and motivated.
If you’ve seen productive people around you and wondered how they have everything together, you must know that it takes immense effort and hard work to be that way. Here are seven secrets of super-productive people to get you inspired.
1. Stay Away From Distractions
There was a time when I used to check my Instagram account every 30 minutes. I would find myself endlessly scrolling through my feed only to realize that it was deeply impacting my concentration and focus.
Once I became aware of this, I switched off my notifications and chose to put my phone away while working. You’ll be surprised to know how well that worked out for me.
It’s not like productive people don’t check their social media pages but they know when to draw a line and how not get sucked into the social media vortex. So, think about your social media habits. If you find it affecting your work, it’s a good idea to set social media time limits for yourself so that it does not hamper your productivity throughout the day.
2. Avoid Multitasking
While you may think you can get a lot done if you multitask, it’s actually a bad idea. In fact, studies have found that multitasking reduces your productivity by 40%.
Super productive people know their Most Important Task (MIT) which refers to the task that will create the most significant results.
Identify your MIT for the day and what will take you closer to achieving your short-term goals. Now, start your day by devoting at least two to three hours towards doing that task after which you can tackle the rest. The key lies in prioritization.
3. Say No To Procrastination
We’ve all fallen into the procrastination trap at some point or the other in our lives but that’s what productive people do differently – they avoid procrastinating and leaving work for the eleventh hour because doing so only results in unnecessary stress and disturbs daily routine.
The next time you’re not motivated to finish an assignment or find yourself putting off that work presentation for later, push yourself to rise above it and approach the task in an organized manner. Break it down into achievable goals and create a schedule for yourself to complete it.
Develop a ‘now or never’ mindset to manage your time better and avoid procrastinating.
4. Value Time
Time is money – we’ve heard that multiple times, but a productive person truly believes that. They respect and value time because they realize that lost time can never be retrieved.
Due to this, they tend to manage their schedules on a minute by minute basis which results in increased productivity levels. Remember, there are not just 24 hours but 1440 minutes in a day and productive people know how to utilize them adequately.
5. Create Strategic To-Do Lists
Having a to-do list does not guarantee productivity. In fact, keeping a to-do list and towards the end of the day, realizing that more than half the tasks are still pending is likely to demotivate you further. So, it’s not about keeping to-do lists, it’s about creating it strategically.
Instead of just listing down the tasks, plan a schedule and designate the specific amount of time you plan to spend on each task. As the co-founder of The Art of Charm, Jordan Harbinger, rightly puts it,
“Use a calendar and schedule your entire day into 15-minute blocks. It sounds like a pain, but this will set you up in the 95th percentile.”
Another aspect to remember is being realistic about how much you can achieve in the day. That way, you don’t set unrealistic deadlines and get demoralized if you do not complete everything on your list.
6. Stay Energized
We’ve all come across super-productive people who make us wonder how they manage to achieve so much in just 24 hours.
Do they skip meals? Do they sleep for shorter periods of time?
The answer is – no. In fact, they take good care of their health.
To be productive throughout the day, you need to follow a healthy routine and be energetic to do more work in less time.
Skipping meals or depriving yourself of sleep is not an option. A balanced diet and good night’s sleep go a long way in boosting your energy levels and enhancing productivity. So, find ways to take care of your health regardless of how busy you are in the day.
7. Develop A Consistent Morning Routine
Most productive people use mornings to nurture their bodies and mind. Instead of ‘doing’ more, they focus on ‘becoming’ more so that they can achieve more in the day.
A consistent and healthy morning routine packed with a healthy breakfast and meditation or exercise will undoubtedly lead to a productive day. It’s also essential to wake up early – this a healthier way to start the day as opposed to hitting the ‘snooze’ button till you finally wake up in a panic.
Productivity is a habit that needs to be developed over time. It’s all about cultivating a mindset that focuses on achieving one’s goals. So, take inspiration from these seven essential secrets of productive people to set yourself up for success.
Ritika Deshpande
hello Adela,
congratulations on writing such a wonderful piece of article. it really helps to focus and analyze where we went wrong.thankyou. good luck. keep posting.
Osman B.
Really glad you liked this post Ritika 🙂 we love to have you as a regular reader!