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find inner peace

The Importance of Finding Inner Peace

I can’t begin to stress how important it is to find inner peace.

Inner peace is that mindset where one is in equilibrium. It’s that point where ones actions and thoughts are stable, and everything one does is done in a fluid and balanced way. It’s the point where one is in harmony with oneself and therefore is in harmony with the entire universe.

This is something we all should strive to pursue; because once inner peace is attained, life becomes a whole lot better.

Let your soul expand, let your heart reach out to others in loving and generous warmth, and great and lasting will be your joy, and all prosperity will come to you. -James Allen

Before we Begin

Before I begin to explain the actual process to attaining inner peace, it is important that you first prepare yourself.  Understand these three things:

  • Finding inner peace is not easy;  it’s actually  one of the most difficult things to find in life and you should be prepared for a challenge
  • This is going to be a process, so be prepared for a slow but firm progression
  • Inner peace can only be found if you are decisively ready to change yourself.  So keep your mind open and be ready for some new experiences

How To Find Inner Peace

Finally we are here. Follow these 5 strategies to find inner peace in your life:

1. Conquer your Thoughts

Thoughts determine our state of mind and therefore are directly correlated with our level of peace. This is why you should become very cautious over what you think and how you think. You must learn to weed all the unproductive and negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, peaceful ones.

It might seem odd or tedious at first but overtime this screening process will be very beneficial and will eventually come naturally.

We don’t live in a world of reality; we live in a world of perceptions. – Gerald J. Simmons

2. Accept the Unchangeable

There is no point in complaining or worrying about things you can’t change. This is one of the many reasons why people don’t have inner peace. They keep trying to change the unchangeable and therefore rather than gaining, they destroy their peace of mind.

This is why you must learn to be more accepting and find your limits in life. Only once you work in a boundary will you ever find true peace.

3. Work with the Flow

Working against the flow of things only brings stress and anxiety. Now this doesn’t mean that you stop being creative or imaginative but it simply means you don’t try to over force things.

Take everything one day at time and be patient with life. Use the pace of life to your advantage and work with it.

Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. – Zhuangzi

4. Simplify

Simplification and peace go hand in hand. Our modern lives tend to get over cluttered and we have a tendency to end up doing a lot of unnecessary things.

Try to un-clutter your life and only do what is truly important. This will not just make you feel good about yourself as you will be doing self-rewarding things but you will actually become more peaceful.

Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify. – Henry David Thoreau

5. Give Generously

I personally find this strategy the most beneficial. Giving is fundamental to attaining peace. When you give you forget your sense of self, and it is only when you forget your sense of self that you find true peace and attain harmony.

Give generously and you will become not just more peaceful, but you will in return receive more

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. – Maya Angelou

Alison R

Alison is a freelance author, yoga enthusiast and a strong believer of self-development. Being in the writing industry for over 10 years, Alison has a plethora of knowledge which she loves to share and discuss with her readers. She loves to write about self improvement and personal finance.

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[2] Comments
  • Cj
    3:45 PM, 21 January 2022

    One guru didn t own any thoughts. You know they say the 12 tribes. The horoscopes give daily columns on our thought to our tribe. One day for example I was talking to my male friend and later he read my horoscope and it was almost word for word what I said. I didn t believe him so I asked to see and sure enough it was. Maybe just observing. Less attachment. More connection to the underlying silence.

  • Ann opel
    1:06 PM, 14 October 2021

    It helped me alot.i feel like i was talking to a friend who really understand what am going through.

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