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give up

There are always two critical choices to life, to give up or to pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Sadly, most people fail before they even start because they set unachievable and unrealistic goals. Giving up becomes the only option on the table due to a lack of reason to go on. Some simply lack the confidence to try fearing what the people around them will say if they fail. Your goals might be failing because you are treating failure like a label that would look bad on you. The people around us influence our success and failure. You might be distracted by what someone else is doing that is probably succeeding. Here, we will discuss 6 common reasons why people easily give up on their goals:

1. You Lack Self-Confidence

Having faith in your abilities is the key to unlock the door of not giving up. Confidence and self-esteem go hand in hand. Learning to trust your judgment will go a long way in building a strong mentality. Students who lack self-confidence fail to set future goals or keep changing them. They always complain about others and keep seeking approval from friends and fellow students. If you are undergoing this, you can build your self-confidence in the following ways:

  • Visualize the best version of yourself and try to emulate it
  • Question your inner critic who is your greatest enemy
  • Helping others accomplish their dreams can help boost your confidence towards yours
  • Practice to take at least one risk every day
  • Stay around confident people because they will inspire confidence in you
  • Reward any step you make towards self-confidence

2. You Prefer to Stay in Your Comfort Zone

If your life is already ‘good enough” you will find it easier to give up and choose to leave your life as it is. You can always do better, and your comfort zone is merely holding you back. Why then do people give up so easily? Doing what is safe and comfortable can seem best at that moment. It might be because it brings you the results you are looking for in life. However, this results in missing career opportunities, relevant experiences, and overall growth of your life.

  • Make a list of the things you have ‘what ifs’ on
  • Switch up your routine and incorporate something new every day
  • Study your fears and do something every day towards overcoming them
  • Make small steps and reward yourself for them
  • Endeavour to pick the uncomfortable choice and stick to it
  • Allow others to make decisions for you and try to conform to them

Never Give Up

3. You Lack Perseverance

People who lack perseverance think that everything should be easy. It is especially true for those who grow up with everything they need. They will find a simple goal difficult and simply give up. Whatever someone else is doing to succeed might look easy from afar. Think about the innovators and the many times they have to try to get it right. Instant success is always a myth an only happens to those who use shortcuts. Jack Ma persevered, even when faced by the most significant obstacle. Today he has Alibaba and other companies to his name. People who refuse to adjust to challenges end up settling with what they have. People who believe in quick results tend to give up when they do not come. For example, individuals frequently give up on weight loss because they are not losing as quickly as the tips said.  People nowadays, especially teens, go for things that will bring fast results like:

  • Stealing tests to get better grades faster and easily
  • Taking drugs to help in studying and memory retention
  • Bribing tutors to get good grades instead of perfecting their academic writing

4. You do not Believe in Yourself

Your mindset determines success, failure, perseverance, and giving up.  Not believing in yourself is the answer to why you give up so easily. If you do not believe in yourself, you keep putting yourself down.  You are always thinking of the worst and blame the goal or others you are your failure. The first thing that comes in your mind when you are on edge determines your strength. People quickly resolve that the dream was wrong and move on to the next one, which ultimately fails again. You should never give up on your dreams by using the power of positive thinking. The pessimist always sees difficulty everywhere, and this is the fastest catalyst for giving up. Here are the things you can do to believe in yourself again.

  • Think about your past success
  • Learn to forgive yourself for your failures
  • Look for help
  • Practice always makes perfect

set and achieve goals

5. You are Listening to the Advice of Others’

Listening to other people’s opinions, especially the negative, is putting all the power in their hands. You can have a dream that remains just that because your friends feel that it is silly. The fear of judgment can get in the way. It is advisable to give up on people who bring negative energy into your life. Students have a hard time because it is in college when they realize their dreams. Parents who have already invested in medicine will find it very had to accept singing as the dream of their child. They might advise and threaten you against your goal, but you should see a way to overcome them. The following are tips on how not to give:

  • Confide in the people you trust because they will give you positive feedback
  • Identify and distance yourself from negative people when pursuing your dream
  • Focus on the solutions that are being provided rather than the problem
  • Develop a robust emotional detachment from other people’s opinions
  • Continuously engage in self-talk when you start revisiting the negative thoughts

6. You Lack the Motivation to Work Hard

Commitment, motivation, and discipline go hand in hand if you want to achieve your dreams. Self-discipline is what sets you apart from the dreamers. All people who seek to pursue particular things face adversities. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job on the verge of her career. She is a good example of people who never gave up. The way she handled the adversity made her what she is today. Not accepting the obstacles and deciding to do something about it makes all the difference. If you are having a difficult time with self-discipline; then, there is something you are doing wrong. The pathway to self-discipline is easy with this habit:

  • Self-acceptance- accept that there are some things you cannot change about yourself
  • Develop willpower because discipline cannot stand without it
  • Self-control is vital to for self-discipline – you should take control of your life
  • Giving up short term satisfaction for long term gains which is the most difficult of them all

Final Words

Concisely, giving up is the fastest root of failure. Nothing can stop you if you have self-confidence in your abilities. Leaving your comfort zone will require much strength but will enable you to explore greener pastures. When you lack perseverance, you seem to see every step as a challenge. On the road to success, there is nothing like a quick result, just hard work, and patience. Self-discipline means you do not wait for pressure to do better. Finally, society has a significant influence on us. Listening to harmful advice and opinion can de-motivate you and keep you in your comfort zone.

Travis Meade

Travis Meade is a copy editor. Travis ensures the accuracy and consistency of product descriptions in the CRM systems, including product copy and digital assets for advertising channels for the essay writing service Canada team. He can provide feedback on copy, disclaimers, image and logo standards in a clear, coherent manner so internal stakeholders can understand and fulfill these requirements

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1 Comment
  • Muhammad Akbar
    7:34 AM, 23 March 2022

    Very good words full of motivation and provide best path for success

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